08:30 AM IST to 09:30 AM IST
08:30 AM IST to 09:30 AM IST
Turning sixty is a social-religious event in India especially in south.Shashtiabdapoorthi is a family event , when a 'remarriage 'of the couple, is performed .This unusual custom marked by rituals, reverberating with the 'mantras ' is spiritually and mentally rejuvenating for a couple who are 'graduageing' .Witnessed by the next generaton,it is a social event that reflects continuity.
The social, religious and spiritual connotations of this function
When a man turns sixty it is not just another birthday that is to be celebrated with usual greetings,,gifts,cards,flowers,cake and candles. While it may include all that ,it also calls for no less than a sacred Vedic celebration called Shshtiabdapoorti:'Shasti' being 60,'Abdam' the year, with Poorti signifying the completion of 60 years in a man's lifetime. It is also a happy event that reinforces the existing bond between the man and his wife and is expressed in the unusual custom of a remarriage of the couple watched fondly by a retinue of children grandchildren ,relations and friends.
At sixty ,man had crossed only 50% of his life because the actual span of his life is 120 years according toVedas.A sixtieth year, which is just half the span of time originally given to man is considered a critical period .According to the science of Hindu numerology ,6 happens to be an uneasy number and therefore 60 is a time when the ruling planet of a person may have an adverse effect on a man's life; He performs a religious Shanti, a measure undertaken to ensure good health, peace and longevity.
How does it feel to be sixty? For most of us it is conscious ageing, an increasing awareness that though the body is ephemeral the spirit on the contrary ,can soar! It can take us through hitherto unexplored paths, for sixty is certainly a time when man pauses to take stock of the life gone by and to begin a new chapter in life, unfettered by professional commitments. Now he is free to answer his own inner calling for things beyond the material domain. In this frame of mind, he is equipped to combat the physical fatigue that sets in with age, to counter a certain slowness and exhaustion which overtakes those who are prepared to comprehend the implications of age . For the mentally alert, it is a time for thinking about the new options in life , a wonderful chance of using one's freedom from the daily grind in office for pleasurable and spiritually nourishing activities.
Significance of Celebrating Father’s 60th Birth Anniversary.......
It is better to have awareness and reasons of the benefits of celebrating 60th Birthday of one's Father. Performing these rituals gains benefits, such as peaceful and healthy life in old age, leading people on to esoteric consciousness.
- Be grateful, to thy father, for he gave thee life, and to thy mother, for she sustained thee.
- Hear the words of his mouth, for they are spoken for your good, give ear to his admonition, for it proceeds from Love.
- He has watched for your welfare, he has toiled for your cause, do honour, to his age and let not his grey hair be treated with irreverence.
- Forget neither your helpless infancy nor the forwardness of your youth, and indulge in infirmities of your aged parents, assist and support them in the DECLINE OF THEIR LIFE.
- So shall their hoary heads go down to the grave in peace, and your own children, in reverence of your example, shall repay your piety with filial Love.
- Very many years our saints have expressed ago, similar ideas. Tiruvalluvar in Tirukkural wrote: "The gratefulness reciprocated by son to his father to be expressed by others in such a manner that they say-what amount of penance he had done to get such a virtuous son."
The Ritual
Sashti Abda poorthi Shanti is to be performed at the end of 60th year in one's life. The following deities and great souls and rishis are propitiated and worshipped.
- Mrutyunjaya: It is desired that holy Triambaka mantra to be recited, as it is a life giving mantra. Worship Lord Siva who is all fragrance and who nourishes all beings, may he liberate us from death for the sake of immortality even as the cucumber is severed from its bondage of creeper. It is also a Moksha mantra; it is Lord Siva's mantra. It bestows long life, peace, wealth, prosperity, satisfaction and immortality. It saves one from accidents.
- Brahma: Offer obeisance to the Brahmaswarupi, the Lord of Sharada, the one who is exalted, the one who is seated on the Hamsa, the one who has four faces and the one who has Satyaloka as his abode.
- Vishnu: The well-known dhyana sloka of Vishnu Sahasranama is to be recited. He is invoked as resting on the serpent, dear to Goddess Lakshmi, and accessible to yogis in their hearts.
- Rudra: O Lord Parameswara! You are in the highest form. You have a lock of thick hair resembling dense black smoke. You bear the moon on your head Please accept the worship performed by me.
- Markandeya: O Sage son of Mrukanda Rishi, grandson of Rishyasringa, you are always meditating on Lord Shiva. I pray you.
- Navagrahas: The Sun, Angaraka, ukra, Soma (Moon), Budha, Brihaspati, Saniswara, Rahu & Kethu are propitiated. Pulses and cereals are placed along with related vastra (cloth)(appropriate and as applicable) to propitiate the Navagrahas.
- Sapata Chiranjeevins: Aswathama, mahabali, Vyasa, Hanuman, Vibheeshana, Krupa and Parasurama are worshipped.
- Ayur Devata: Worshipping daily and on special occasion like this, gives longevity.
- Samvatsara Devatas: Beginning with Prabhava and ending with Akshaya, there are 60 years. It is therefore significant that a man born on Prabhava completes his 60th year in Akshaya and re-starts at Prabhava. Thus he has seen all the years that had blessed him during his 60-year life circle.
- Nakshatra Devatas: As you are aware that there are 27 main constellations beginning with Aswini and ending with revathi. The reason for worshipping the Nakshtra Devatas is for stability and permanency.
- Ashtadikpalas are: The directions controlled by each are indicated in bracket. All the ashtadikpalas are to be worshipped for overall well being, prosperity, good health etc. They are Indra (East), Agni (Southeast), Yama (South), Nirruti (Southwest), Varuana (West),Vayu (Northwest), Kubera (North), Isanam (Northeast)-Winner of Mrityu.
- Saaptha Rishis, are: Kasyapa, Atri, Bharadwaja, Viswamitra, Gauatahama, Jamadagni, Vasishta. These great rishis are remembered on this auspicious occasion. They are the one's who has given us the prime mantras; to thank them we worship them during 60th birthday celebrations.
Have so far seen a list of devatas, great souls, rishis etc and their importance and significance. The main aspect of celebration is Kumbha or Kalasa stapanam. There are rules governing how and where these Kalasas are to be placed, and this will be guided to the householder by the Vedic scholars conducting the rituals and the sanctification process is religiously observed. The following 11-mangala dravyas are to be applied.
- Gorochana: To be applied on the heads of Husband and wife for longevity, health, fame, courage and prosperity.
- Cow's milk curd: To smear a small quantity on their foreheads (for prosperity, sweet, fragrance and comforts around for ever).
- Cow's Ghee: Smeara little amount of cow's ghee on their eyelids. (For brightness, good appearance and good conduct.)
- Green grass: Keep few grass on their heads (Longevity, devoid of diseases and for very strong body).
- Cow's milk: A spoonful of cow's milk should be sprinkled on their heads (for strength and longevity).
- Fruits: Touch fruits with hands.
- Flowers; wear flowers on the heads with veneration.
- Mirror: see the faces in the mirror (for disappearance of poverty evil devatas and ugliness).
- Lighted Lamp: See the lighted lamp (Let there not be darkness, intelligence and lack of knowledge).
- Earth soil: Touch the earth brought from beneath the Tulsi plant.
- Gold: Keep a gold coin or an ornament on the head. The gold removes all sins and brings comforts.
Hoamam include mainly Svishtakrita homam and Jayathi Homam.The ardra vastra and Kumbha Vastra are to be offered to Brahmins. The clothes worn during the time of Abhishekam i.e the Dhoti and upper cloth, the sari and the blouse worn by the consort of the performer and the cloth wrapped around the Kumbhas as well icons kept in the Kumbha should be offerred to the priests who performed the rituals.
Now comes Dhana (give aways to the priests). Phaladhanam is to be given to all the participants towards mutual wish of gratitude. The giver pleases the receiver and the receiver blesses the giver. Finally mangalya puja is performed with chanting of mantra. Then the wife is seated facing eastwards and the husband stand facing north. He ties the mangaalya around the neck of his wife with the blessings of all Gods, Goddesses and Rishis. Thus the celebration comes to an auspicious end.
The only occasion where children can witness their own parents getting married. Is it not a divine occasion and scene?
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Amrita Kadeshvarar Temple
Most of the temples are known either by the name of the Lord or His Consort. Nataraja is the name that rings in the mind when the word Chidambaram is uttered. Similarly, the name Madurai brings memories of Meenakshi. However, there are a few temples that are well-known for the Lord and his Consort and Tirukkadaiyur is one among them. The Amritakadesvarar - Abhirami Temple of Tirukkadaiyur is associated with the legends of Markandeya and Abhirami Battar. Situated in the Mayavaram - Tarangampaadi branch of the Southern Railway, Tirukkadaiyur is a railway station about 250 km. from Chennai. It falls under one of the eight Veeratta Sthalams of Lord Shiva.
The temple In line with the grand temple architecture of the Cholas, the Temple occupies a very vast area of 11 acres, with five Prakarams, imposing temple towers and large and spacious Mandapams. Though the details of the king who consecrated the temple could not be ascertained, it is seen from the inscriptions in the temple that it has been in existence during the period of Raja Raja Cholan, that is, from the early 11th century. It is a grand temple with 5 Prakarams, imposing towers and ornate Mandapams covering an area of 11 acres. Based on the inscriptions seen here, it is inferred that the stone base of the central shrine was in existence even during period of Raja Raja Cholan (early 11th century). It was during the period of Kulottunga Chola I (1075 - 1120) that the brick walls of the temple were replaced with stonewalls and the Mandapam in the front was constructed. The Rajagopuram is replete with images made of mortar, depicting the legends associated with the temple. The Story is ..... Death put to death Markandeya, son of sage Mrikandu was predicted to live for only 16 years. As advised by his father, Markandeya worshipped Amritaghateswarar in Tirukkadaiyur, bringing the water from Ganges through an underground passage to the temple. The passage is in existence to this day, to a depth of a flight of 20 steps. On the destined day, Yama appeared with his noose, kala paasa. Markandeya sought refuge in the Lord and embraced the Shiva Lingam. The Lord warned Yama not to touch Markandeya as he was under His protection. Yama did not listen and threw the noose that bound Markandeya and the Lingam together. Angered by this act of rashness, the Lord kicked him with the
left leg and held him under His left foot, making him inactive. Images in the temple depict the Lord with a raised forefinger, warning Yama. The mark of the kala paasa is visible on the Lingam. With Yama being rendered inactive, there were no deaths on earth. As nature should have its way, the Kala-samhara-moorthi, the other name by which Amritaghateswarar is known - Lord Shiva brought Death to life. It is here that the significance of 'kicking with the left leg' is spoken about. Had He desired to quell Yama forever, He would have held him under His right leg - as in the case of Muyalaka. The very fact that He used His left leg points to the fact that He intended it as a punishment for an act of rashness and not otherwise. Since Death was conquered at Tirukkadaiyur, it is not unusual to see couples who have celebrated their sashti-abta-poori (completion of 60 years) and sadhabishekam (completion of 80 years) make it a point to have a darshan of the Kala-samhara-moorthi.
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